At Oak Hill Equipment, you can rent quality excavation equipment big or small for any of your earth-moving projects.
At Oak Hill Equipment, you can rent quality excavation equipment big or small for any of your earth-moving projects. We provide Dozers, Excavators, Articulated Haul Trucks, and other types of excavation equipment in our rental fleet.
We understand the urgency to find the right equipment for your upcoming project that fits your schedule and budget. From the time we receive your call until your project is complete, we strive to provide you the utmost value through efficiency and communication. We get it done.
The rental process begins with a call from you. Our rental department assesses your needs and provides our best equipment rental and delivery rates as well as equipment availability.
Our equipment and service are the solution to your rental needs. Simply give us a call and let our rental department provide a rental solution for you!
John Deere 9R 540 Scraper Special w/ Single K-Tec 28 Yard Scraper Pan
Wheel Loaders
Model Name
Cat 980K w/7.5 Cubic Yard Tooth Bucket
Cat 988H w/9 Cubic Yard Tooth Bucket
Water Trucks
Model Name
Freightliner M2 4×2 2,000 Gallon
Bell B30E 6,000 Gallon
Bell B40D 8,000 Gallon
Skid Loaders
Model Name
Cat 259 D3
Terms and Conditions
Rental Period:
The rental term begins from the time the Equipment is delivered to the customer’s specified location.
The rental term ends when the Renter notifies Oak Hill Equipment, LLC that the Equipment is “Off Rent”
Rental Rates:
The rental rates are based on the agreed-upon Daily, Weekly or Monthly rate as specified in the rental agreement.
Advertised rental rates are subject to change.
Daily/Weekly/Monthly rates are based on 8/40/160 machine hours.
Renter is responsible for Equipment mobilization costs.
Equipment Use:
The Renter is solely responsible for operating the Equipment safely and in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and in accordance to the Equipment’s operator manual.
The Equipment should only be used for its intended purpose and within its specified limits.
During the term, Equipment shall be located at the address listed in the rental agreement unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing by Oak Hill Equipment, LLC
Equipment Maintenance:
Renter is responsible for normal maintenance and care of the Equipment during the rental period.
Renter is responsible for non-typical wear and tear of the Equipment.
Renter is responsible for all tire repairs associated to their rental term.
If the rental term is longer than a month, the Renter is responsible for preventative maintenance services for the Equipment associated with their term.
Any damages or mechanical issues should be reported immediately to Oak Hill Equipment, LLC.
Liability and Insurance:
The Renter assumes full liability for the Equipment and any associated risks during the rental period.
The Renter is responsible for obtaining adequate renters insurance coverage for the Equipment, including liability and damage coverage as agreed in the rental agreement.
Security Deposit:
A security deposit may be required prior to the rental period.
The security deposit will be refunded upon the satisfactory return of the Equipment, minus any applicable charges or damages.
Rental Extension and Return:
Rental extensions should be requested in advance and are subject to equipment availability.
The Equipment should be returned to Oak Hill Equipment, LLC on or before the agreed-upon return date and time.
Equipment shall return reasonably clean inside and out. Renter will be billed for cleaning fees if the Equipment returns unreasonably clean.
Equipment shall return full of Fuel, DEF, and Grease (if auto-lube system is equipped). Renter will be billed for lack of Fuel, DEF, and Grease returned.
Late Returns and Penalties:
Late returns may incur additional charges, calculated based on the agreed-upon rental rate.
An additional charge of 1.5% of the late payment will be charged per late invoice per month.
Any damages or losses during the rental period will be the Renter’s responsibility.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations should be made in accordance with the terms outlined in the rental agreement.
Late cancellations may result in cancellation fees.
Equipment in Oak Hill Equipment, LLC’s rental fleet is for sale. Renter gets first right of refusal.
Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction where Oak Hill Equipment, LLC operates.